Participant of the 6th exhibition of the author's dolls MuñecArt

Nadezhda Chibisova

Illustration of Russia flag

My name is Nadezhda Chibisova. By my first education I am an engineer, by my second I am an economist. For me, dolls are a hobby, but a hobby that, since the summer of 2019, has been absorbing all my free time.
Initially, she only made boudoir dolls, but since the fall of 2020. also became interested in static ones.

Eliza. A play of unfulfilled love

Description Ideas

A doll based on the Faberge jewelry house: here is a reference to the famous Easter eggs, and to the enamels and guilloche enamels so often found in the works of Fabergé masters, and to the images of chickens and cockerels.


Primed textiles, corduroy, lace, rhinestones, papier-mâché, self-hardening plastics, epoxy resin. Painting: pastel, acrylic, wax.

The size

70 cm

The cost

200 €

Series of dolls "Labyrinth"

Description Ideas

One of the most striking ancient symbols borrowed by Christian culture is undoubtedly the Cretan labyrinth.
According to Greek mythology, the Minotaur was imprisoned in the center of the labyrinth, a monster with a human body and a bull's head, to which the Athenians sent seven boys and seven girls every year. The series of sacrifices continued until Theseus killed the monster and, thanks to Ariadne's thread, found a way out of the labyrinth.
The most widespread in the Middle Ages was a round labyrinth with twelve tiers and a single entrance leading to its center. One of the largest medieval labyrinths of this form is carved on the floor of the Chartres Cathedral (XIII century), so the type of image itself is called "Chartres".
The medieval labyrinth, as a rule, had not a simple indication of a widespread antique plot, but a rethought image that could mean both the knowledge of the sacrament of theology, and the allegory of the ramified paths of human life, and the striving for God.
It was on the symbolism of the labyrinth, as a circle along which a person strives to God through the thorns of sin, that I was guided by when choosing images for a small series of dolls "Labyrinth".


Primed textiles, papier-mâché, self-hardening plastics. Painting: pastel, acrylic, wax.

The size

46 cm, 50 cm and 55 cm

The cost

450 €


Description Ideas

In ancient mythology, Ariadne, the daughter of the Cretan king Minos, having fallen in love with Theseus, gives him a ball of thread so that the hero can find a way out of the Labyrinth.
In my series, Ariadne is a symbol of the guiding thread, the path leading to the liberation and awakening of the Soul.


Primed textiles, papier-mâché, self-hardening plastics. Painting: pastel, acrylic, wax.

The size

46 cm

The cost

150 €


Description Ideas

The bird is the personification of the human soul languishing and wandering in the Labyrinth.
The stained-glass headdress is designed to emphasize the desire for the heavenly (heavenly) world. According to medieval beliefs, the light penetrating through bright stained-glass windows symbolizes Divine light. Contemplating stained-glass windows, a person moves away from the material world and "falls" into the spiritual world.


Primed textiles, papier-mâché, self-hardening plastics. Painting: pastel, acrylic, wax.

The size

55 cm

The cost

150 €


Description Ideas

A monster with a bull's head and a human body acts both as a symbol of hidden destructiveness and suppressed desires, and as the personification of the animal side of man, the complete predominance of animal instincts taken to the logical extreme.
The naturalness, spontaneity, "fleshiness" of this image is also emphasized by the pentagram woven into the horns of the Minotaur.


Primed textiles, papier-mâché, self-hardening plastics. Painting: pastel, acrylic, wax.

The size

50 cm

The cost

150 €


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3 thoughts on “Надежда Чибисова”

  1. Natalia Voronina

    A very interesting collection! All images are solid, characteristic, complete! Bravo to the master!

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